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Abortion Story: Ohio

Submitted to Abort73 by a 50-year-old woman on September 21, 2011


I just got done reading all the stories of the many woman that have been through the horror of abortion. I thank God for this web site. I wept watching the videos. I never had access to this kind of information back when I had an abortion.. My story is very similar. I am now 50 years-old. I had an abortion performed on me back in 1978, Friday Dec. 1st to be exact. I was 17 years old and found myself pregnant. I was so scared to tell my parents, but I knew I had to. I had previously told the boy I was involved with at the time, but came to find he didn't know what to do and really didn't care. When I got the nerve to tell my mom I was taken to the doctors to confirm that I was indeed pregnant. I think I may have been 11 or 12 weeks along, sad I can't remember. Perhaps I blocked the painful details out. When we went back into the doctors office to discuss my situation, my mom just point blank asked the doctor if he would abort the baby, without asking me how I felt about it. He said he would not, so I don't know if he gave my mom details on where to go. All I know I was in shock, scared and felt so alone. I didn't want an abortion, I just wanted my mom to wrap her arms around me and say we will help you through this. Later that night my parents (mainly my mom) told me how this baby would grow up to hate me and a bunch of other lies and said this was the best choice for me. I wanted my baby. I came from an adopted family, so you would have thought this would NOT of been an option at all (I believe the Lord showed me years later that my adopted mom could not forgive God for not allowing her to have her own babies, so she wasn't going to let me have mine). I felt weak and unable to speak up for myself, trapped like a lamb led to the slaughter. I was an embarrassment to my parents and they were going to get rid of the problem. So my mom scheduled my abortion. I felt so alone and scared, and so empty afterwords. I never believed or even thought of abortion, and here I was forced to have one. To this day my mom still denies and lies and acts like it never happened. I did drugs to cover my pain. I met my boyfriend and soon to be husband in my senior year. I moved out the day after I graduated and eventually got married.

When I became a born again Christian, it still took me a long time to believe God would forgive me for this sin. I carried so much shame and guilt for many years. This was my SECRET shame. I went to church for years with this secret. It wasn't until we started attending a church that offered counseling for abortions that I really started to deal with the pain. I did some counseling through church many years later, and eventually attended a post abortion Bible study to heal. I am here to tell any woman or young girl that God is more than willing to forgive, heal, and take away your shame and pain. The blood of Jesus Christ is more than enough to wash away this sin or any other sins you have committed. We all have fallen short of the Glory of God, there is none righteous, no not one, but Jesus Christ. If you will repent, ask God to forgive you for whatever part you had in your abortion, whether it be big or small, HE WILL FORGIVE YOU. I know forgiving ourselves seems harder, but God will indeed help you, if you call upon him. God has blessed me with 2 daughters who I love so much and 4 wonderful grand children who are treasures! But I still wonder about my baby in heaven and what would have been. God can redeem our mistakes and help you if you will only allow him. If my testimony can help just one young girl or young lady change her mind on her decision to have an abortion... TO GOD BE THE GLORY!! Abortion is NEVER the answer, it is the murder of innocent life. I am just so thankful for the forgiveness God has shown me through his Son Jesus Christ.

Age: 50
Location: Ohio
Date: September 21, 2011

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